What Is Maple Tree Disease?

What Maple Tree Disease Is and How To Control It

Photo credit to en.wikipedia.org

Maple tree disease is any one of a number of afflictions usually caused by a fungus that can either damage the tree’s appearance or eventually kill the tree. One particularly devastating maple tree disease is also known as maple wilt. Maple trees will develop browning or the appearance of burnt spots on the leaves and streaks or discoloration on the bark. The cause of this condition is a fungus called verticillium albo-atrum or verticillium dahliae. This disease can affect Norway maples, sugar, red, silver, sycamore, and Japanese maples. The disease originates in the roots of the tree and moves upwards to the large limbs. Some diseases of maple trees are quite common and can also be deadly. It is very important to be able to recognize a disease and treat for it to prevent the death of the tree. A way to confirm the disease would be to take a cutting from the bark of the tree to be tested. Trees will usually die in a couple of seasons after showing the symptoms of the disease.

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Tips For Prevention

The best way to help prevent maple disease is to get rid of the affected trees that surround the healthy ones. If this is not possible you can try to prune the affected areas to try to help the tree to survive. Make sure to keep the tree well hydrated while it is being pruned to promote healing. Diseases of maple trees are very draining to the system of the tree so they need plenty of water.

Some Other Diseases Of Maple Trees

There are other diseases that affect maple trees such as tar spot. This particular disease makes black spots all over the leaves. Prolonged periods of wet weather cause this fungus to appear. This is not a serious problem and can be combated by raking up fallen leaves around the tree. Anthracnose is another disease caused by a fungus that is mostly harmless and simply causes a loss of leaves. This fungus also spreads in wet weather and is an airborne type that travels on the wind in the spring usually. There are several types of maple diseases and it is important to regularly inspect your trees for any unusual signs.

Seek A Professional

tree disease control

When you do see signs of maple disease it would be wise to seek the advice and help of a professional. Find a source that is reputable and can give you insight and help you control the situation. A reputable company would be Great Northern Regreenery. They have the skills and experience to handle your maple disease problems. Give them a call for a free estimate at 905-775-7444.

(905) 775-7444