Among summer heat, drought, and pests, it’s possible for trees to wilt during the hottest time of the year. Here are some maintenance tips for the summer months that will improve the health of your trees and prevent stress damage.

Top Tree Care Tips for Summer

To keep your trees healthy and strong:

  • Irrigate your trees – Make sure to water your trees regularly. This is especially true for young trees; they need deep watering to help establish their roots. Ideally, the soil should be dampened to the point that it may dry in a fairly short time. A steady stream from a garden hose for 30 seconds is sufficient. A simple diffuser will work well for any seedlings you have planted. Be cautious of over-watering.
  • Prune regularly – Dead or broken branches are a hazard to trees. Summer is an ideal time to prune because it is easier to locate any defective limbs. Contact a professional pruning service; an expert will know how to best remove dying branches without damaging the tree. Avoid over-pruning your tree. This can expose bark to the sun, damaging the tree.

tree check

  • Add mulch – Mulch provides multiple benefits for your trees, including moisture retention, temperature stabilization, and soil compaction prevention. It also prevents root competition by reducing weeds that could steal soil nutrients your trees. To apply mulch, remove any grass within a 100 to 300 centimetre radius around the tree. Add natural mulch (bark or wood pieces) within the circle 5 – 10 centimetres deep. Avoid touching the tree with the mulch; this can encourage growth of disease or parasites.
  • Use cabling – Near the end of summer, harsh storms and strong winds become increasingly common. Storms and wind can cause trees to topple and branches to fall, putting anything nearby at risk. Tree cabling and bracing reinforces parts of trees to make them more resistant to damage. Young and weakened trees are most likely to benefit from cabling and should be reinforced.
  • Conduct pest inspections – Many pest populations are active during the summer months, so this season is an ideal time to have a pest inspection. If you find that a tree has an infestation, make sure that you have a professional address it immediately.

pest inspection

Summer is a great time to have a licensed arborist look at your trees. With their help, you will receive professional advice on how to best keep your trees healthy and happy.

Great Northern Regreenery Tree Service is a full-service tree care company staffed with experts who can care for your trees. Contact us at (905) 775-7444 for a free inspection and assessment.