Reasons to Prune your TreesContrary to popular belief, pruning a tree isn’t just about making it look pretty, or making sure it doesn’t topple down into your home. The truth is that regular pruning, which is more than just sawing off a few tree branches here and there, promotes healthy tree growth, improves flowering and fruit production, and removes heavy and damaged tree limbs. In fact, pruning should be a regular part of tree care.

Here are some of the most common reasons to prune your trees.

Beautifying your property

Pruning a tree alters its appearance for the better without doing harm to it. By removing dead branches and sections of the tree growing faster than the rest, you can give your tree new and better look, all while keeping it healthy.

Think of it as giving your tree a haircut.

Promoting tree growth

Proper tree pruning allows a tree to withstand severe weather and encourage growth. With the help of a professional tree care company, you can free your tree of dead limbs and sections with fast uneven growth, helping reduce pressure on the roots.

A tree with stronger roots is more able withstand storms and winds.

Reasons to Prune your TreesPromoting fruit production

Any tree bearing fruit can reap the benefits of proper pruning. By pruning dead branches, you’re making a tree healthier, as dead wood puts the tree at risk for disease and parasite infestation.

Pruning also supports the growth of spurs, which in turn grow into fruit the following season.

Removing branches that pose a danger

This is perhaps the most pressing reason to hire a professional tree service. Dead branches not only stifle your tree’s growth, they also pose a serious hazard to people and your property, especially during storms.

Likewise, decay, cracks, and sub-par root growth all increase the risk of danger.