Natural Color Changes Before Our Eyes

Learn Why Leaves Change Color In The Fall!

After a hot, dry summer, filled with days mowing the lawn and sweating by the pool, most of us cannot wait for autumn to greet us. For many of us, autumn and spring are the best times of the year, and this is for a few reasons. Our senses are at ease when the temperatures are not too hot or too cold, and these seasons are rather kind to our sense of what is beautiful in the world. Nature is stunning in the spring and fall times. Spring is filled with the beauty of new life, flowers blooming and becoming alive with the color that they possess deep within their beings. Fall is upon us, and we will have the lovely opportunity to experience leaves changing color to fulfill our sense of wonderment and appreciation for how deeply fascinating nature can be.

Fall Color Changes

Tree Service

The rich green buds that sprang up in the early spring months from April to May, left their impressions on our sense and delivered their seeds throughout the surrounding areas during the summer months. Autumn is upon us. It approaches quickly, and with autumn we will experience the depth of color that nature shows us before the leaves on our trees turn to a crunchy brown beneath our feet. As a child, I often wondered why nature changes in this way. We need to remind ourselves every so often of all the wonderful things that go on behind the scenes in order to appreciate the brilliance that is achieved in this process.

Why Do Leaves Change Color In The Fall?

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The leaves that we see decorating all of the trees that stand tall before us in our front yards are doing more than providing shade for us when we need a break from the sun. In fact, those leaves provide much of the nutrition that the trees need in order to remain standing before us. The leaves of a tree take in a gas in the air called carbon dioxide, the same gas that leaves our body when we exhale. Plants take in the carbon dioxide and water from their surroundings, and they turn these into oxygen and glucose. The process described here is called photosynthesis, and it would not be possible without a chemical called chlorophyll. Chlorophyll is the substance that creates the green color in the leaves during the spring. As the winter approaches, the trees lose their chlorophyll, and they reveal much of the colors that have been hiding within their leaves throughout the year.

Free Quote On Tree Services

Learn Why Leaves Change Color In The Fall!

If you live in Simcoe County or York Region and are in need of aeration, fertilization, insect control, pruning or a variety of other tree services, call Great Northern ReGreenery as soon as possible to schedule a free assessment. You can reach us toll free at 1-877-775-7444.