Tree Tips And Techniques to Keep Your Foliage Healthy And Beautiful

Strong, healthy trees and shrubs make beautiful additions to your home, office, or other areas. They also provide great shade during warmer months, which can help lower your energy bill. Whether you have pre-existing trees or shrubs on your property or newly planted ones, maintaining them properly will keep them vibrant. Maintenance will also prevent personal injury or property damage that can occur during turbulent weather.

Professional tree services throughout Canada can help keep your trees looking and functioning their best with skilled arborists. Some professional tree care services include:

Tree and Shrub Fertilizing

Help Trees Thrive By Using Fertilizer


Trees in certain environments (such as metropolitan areas) are often predisposed to certain challenges such as low growth rates and susceptibility to pests and diseases. This can lead to declining health, because the soil generally lacks adequate nutrients for proper growth and development. Professional fertilizing can increase growth, promote healthy foliage and flower production, and improve overall tree health.

Improper or excessive fertilizer application can decrease plant health, which can make the trees susceptible to disease. Over-fertilizing pollutes our lakes, streams, and rivers. Consult a professional tree care service who can recommend the right fertilizer method and apply the proper application.

Tree Pruning

Tree Pruning

Pruning, or branch removal, should be performed regularly. Pruning generally involves thinning the crown to increase air flow, removing insect-infected or diseased wood, and removing rubbing and crossing branches. This improves the health of the tree. Pruning can also be used to enhance tree structure and decrease the chances of damage during storms or high winds. Eliminating broken or damaged branches helps encourage wound closure, and helps prevent accidents.

Pruning for safety requires eliminating branches that grow into utility lines, branches that could drop and cause damage to property or personal injury, and trimming branches that obstruct clear vision on driveways or streets.

Tree Removal

Tree Removal

Sometimes a tree is too badly damaged or diseased to be saved. If left unattended, it can become home to pests and spread disease to other plants. In that case, tree removal may be recommended. Trees cut down to the stump serve no purpose and have no aesthetic beauty for your yard. In fact, the stump can also rot and infect other nearby trees. They’re also a danger to people who can trip and fall, especially when it’s dark. Tree stumps are difficult to uproot, even with help. However, a tree removal expert in Canada can properly grind down and stump and prevent remaining roots from causing further damage.

Proper tree care involves detailed skill and knowledge. Pruning large trees can be dangerous. Professional arborists, like our team at Greenery Northern ReGreenery, can determine the type of pruning necessary to promote health, safety, and the aesthetics of your trees. We have all the necessary liability insurance and safety equipment. If you reside in Ontario and are interested in professional tree services, please contact us or call 905-775-7444.