Improve Your Trees’ Fruit Bearing Potential

The fruit bearing potential of a tree is affected by a variety of factors. It is crucial to follow some practices in order to ensure that potential is maximized. You can also acquire the services of a professional arborist to help boost your fruit yield.

Pest and Disease Control

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Much of Canada experiences somewhat extreme summer and winter seasons. Each of these seasons are favorable times for pests and diseases to thrive. Therefore, it’s important to know the kind of threats that prosper during different seasons and weather conditions. Knowing about these diseases and pests will help you identify suitable pesticides necessary to protect your fruit-bearing trees, improving their health and fruit production. Applying pesticides ensures fruit trees live up to their highest potential.

Weed Control

Improve Your Trees’ Fruit Bearing Potential

Weeds plague gardens and fruit trees. They provide stiff competition for soil nutrients and water. If they are ignored, any planting efforts will go down the drain. Sufficient water and minerals in the soil play a crucial role in determining fruit bearing potential for trees. The best way to remove weeds is to do it by hand. In a situation where your tree canopy is large, or spans an acre or more, then use of herbicides can be considered. Before taking these measures, ensure the chemicals have no negative effect on the fruit tree or surrounding environment and water supply.

Correct Farming Practices

Citrus Trees

If owners use ineffective practices to keep trees healthy, their efforts to grow fruit are in vain. The first step is knowing the right fruit species to grow. Not all species of fruit can thrive in the weather and soil conditions of Canada. It is, therefore, important to know the kind of fruits and fruit species that provide excellent yields in our region.
When planting fruit trees, one should research the recommended spacing for particular species. Adhering to the correct spacing increases the fruit-yielding potential by making sure that the saplings do not compete for water and nutrients, and provides an economical use of space to avoid waste.

Corrective Pruning

The Right Time in Pruning Apple Trees

Pruning fruit trees has several advantages. By carrying out this practice, the health of a tree is improved since disease- and pest-infested branches are removed. It also lessens the amount of water lost by the plant by reducing the number of leaves. This in turn leads to better performance by the fruit bearing plant.

Tree Stump Grinding

stump grinding

This practice is critical in ensuring that trees which are already been cut down do not develop roots and produce new stems again, taking vital resources away from surrounding plants and trees. Usually, an expert is needed to perform such a difficult task.

Our family-owned company is dedicated to providing superior tree service in the Newmarket area. Caledon Treeland provides disease control, corrective pruning, and stump grinding. Visit us at 4491 10 Sideroad to chat about how to improve your fruit yield.