Canadian Trees

If you are Canadian and you own property you probably also own trees. Trees, as I’m sure you are aware, are one of nature’s gifts. They provide shade for you and your family and act as a home for birds and all kinds native wildlife and they are just delightful to behold. However, as with all things in life they can also become ill and need your help. What we are going to do in this article is give you a short primer on common Canadian tree diseases along with their symptoms and treatment options. What we will start with first are some types of trees that the common in Canada.

The Oak Family

How To Identify And Treat Common Canadian Tree Diseases

One of the more common types of trees you will encounter here are of the trees of the oak family. The easiest way to identify if a tree as an Oak is to see if it has acorns. Some of the more common varieties that you will find in Canada are the White Oak, the Pin Oak, and the English Oak. An extremely common condition for the oak tree species is Oak Wilt. The primary cause of this disease is an extremely virulent fungal infection. This infection affects the trees water conduction system and causes the trees branches to wilt and die. It can also infect a tree’s root system and move very rapidly between an infected oak to a healthy oak. It can also be spread by bark and sap-eating insects. Oak wilt is more common during the spring and summer months.

Oak Wilt

As with any disease, early detection and treatment are very important. If Oak Wilt is detected, several options are available to you including trench digging between the infected tree and its neighbors. The digging of a trench will help prevent the diseases spread to other unaffected trees by root transmission. An infected tree should never be cut down prematurely. If it is, the disease may migrate to other unaffected trees through the root system. A professional tree removal service is really the only safe and effective method to use if you determine that tree removal is the only option to prevent further infestation.

The Beech Hardwood

Beech Trees are a common variety of hardwood tree found in Canada. A common disease that affects the Beech Tree is caused by the beech scale insect from Europe and the nectria fungus. The disease begins the formation of scales that feed on the trees sap while these scales form a white wooly wax covering the body of the tree. As the fungus begins to cover the bark it can also produce raised blisters and isolated tarry spots that cover the trunk.


There are few ways to control beech bark disease. One method is in prohibiting the movement of affected trees. This will help minimize the diseases spread. Another effective method for the ornamental beech is in the use of a contact insecticides to kill the scale insect along with selective pruning to remove the scale and fungus from the tree’s bark. You may also want to consider a professional diagnosis and treatment by a qualified expert arborist.

If you are having problems call us at Great Northern ReGreenery for expert service and a free estimate at 905-775-7444.