Air-Purifying Plants for Your Home

With their busy lives, it is surprising that many Canadian millennials these days are obsessed with houseplants. Standard landscaping and maintenance is still prevalent, but the market has expanded to include caring for the indoors. The last few years marked a sudden surge in houseplant sales mainly because plants purify the air and beautify spaces.

According to the National Post, plant sales in Canada have increased by 8% (1.5 billion dollars) between 2013 and 2018. The increase in plant sales is not just observable in Canada as this trend has also caught on in other countries. While the Canadian statistics have not distinguished between houseplant versus other garden plant sales, the frenzy over indoor plants that clean the air and remove toxins is very much evident.
Homes and offices adapt modern interior designs that include indoor plants

How Plants Purify the Air Indoors

Plants are a big part of people’s lives. They are crucial for the production of food and air that we breathe. Through photosynthesis, they convert carbon dioxide into fresh, breathable air. Several studies also found that plants are crucial in removing toxins in the air.

If you are ready to become a plant parent (as millennials fondly call themselves), here are the top plant species that can help purify the air and beautify your home:


With this plant, you can have a natural air-purifier for your home as well as a beautiful blooming flower. The leaves and brilliantly-coloured flowers of the Anthurium are heart-shaped. The red variety is widely cultivated and used for floral arrangements.

The anthurium plant can bloom throughout the year if it gets enough sunlight. Aside from serving as an accent in the decor, it can also cleanse the air of harmful chemicals like ammonia and formaldehyde.

Bamboo Palm

The bamboo palm grows between 3 to 6 feet tall. It has characteristically long and elegant leaves known to help sweep toxins in the air including benzene, carbon monoxide, chloroform, formaldehyde, and xylene. The bamboo palm is not just helpful in helping keep the air clean, it is also an excellent repellent of spider mites.
As a natural humidifier, it also helps to keep this plant indoors during the winter months when you need more moisture in the air.

Chinese Evergreen

The Chinese evergreen is one of several air-purifying plants in Canada known for being resilient and easy to grow. It is very low maintenance and can be kept in different lighting conditions. This plant also removes harmful volatile organic compounds in the air.

Crotons add a vibrant touch to indoor spaces


Colorful leaves can instantly light up a space, and crotons always come up in the list of pretty household plants. It comes in different leaf color variations to choose from — red, orange, purple, green, or yellow. Aside from how great they look, they can also suck volatile organic compounds in the air, much like the Chinese evergreen.


The dieffenbachia is a beneficial plant but one that you should also keep an eye on. While the dieffenbachia gives a tropical vibe to a space, the leaves are poisonous since they contain a substance that can temporarily numb the vocal cords. When thriving, however, they can remove toxins in the air.

English Ivy

There are many ways to grow English ivy. Its vines can trail outside or grow horizontally on your tabletop. Regardless of how you choose to present ivy, it works well in filtering harmful chemicals released into the air. As an air-purifying plant both outdoors and indoors, the English ivy is worth keeping around.

Indoor plants bring a refreshing look to spaces


The NASA Clean Air Study listed the ficus (or fig tree) as an effective indoor air-purifying plant. The plant looks simple but adds a touch of elegance to any space. This can be kept at home or in the office to help cleanse the air as a natural filter.

Heart-Leaf Philodendron

If you are looking for a plant that will thrive with very minimal attention, the heart-leaf philodendron is a good start. This plant thrives well when placed in an area with indirect light. It needs very little maintenance. This plant is often hung in baskets so the stems and the heart-shaped leaves spill beautifully out of the container.

Keeping philodendrons in your household can greatly help in removing harmful chemicals in the air, especially formaldehyde. Formaldehyde in the air may lead to watery eyes and nose, burning sensations in the eye, coughing, nausea, wheezing, and skin irritation.

Madagascar Dragon Tree

If you want to add some texture to your home, get the Madagascar dragon tree. This easy-to-grow and versatile plant can be kept at home or in your office. The grassy leaves have varied streaks of pink, white, purple, and grey-green. Aside from the texture, they also help clean the air around your office or at home.

Moth Orchid

Are you a fan of pretty orchids? Moth orchids, surprisingly, are easy to grow, give beautiful flowers, and also act as natural air filters. These houseplants work all day to purify the air while adding a pop of bright flower color to any space. The secret to keeping a moth orchid blooming is to never overwater it — about once every 10 days is enough.

The stark contrast of deep green leaves and white flowers make peace lilies a staple in many homes

Peace Lily

The peace lily is a popular houseplant to nurture. If you love watering plants, this is the species for you since it loves to drink a lot of water. When properly nurtured, it produces lush, tropical leaves and a beautiful white flower comparable to a calla or anthurium. Aside from beauty, it is also listed as one of the best indoor plants to keep for air purification.


There is something about the pink, orange, white, red, and green leaves of the aglaonema that make it a favourite in many households. As a bonus, it is not very difficult to maintain. You can keep it practically anywhere in your house and it will bloom. Sometimes, they might even flower. The aglaonema is also favoured by many because of its air pollution–removing property.

Snake Plant

Who does not want a plant that grows abundantly with very minimal care? The snake plant has been around awhile but retains its timeless appeal. Sometimes called mother-in-law’s tongue, its sword-like leaves are known for their air-cleaning properties. Keep this air-purifying plant in your bedroom for better air quality when you sleep.

Spider Plant

NASA also lists the spider plant (or airplane plant) as one of the best air-purifying plants for offices and homes. Like most plants on this list, it is very easy to grow. The grassy leaves that sometimes curl effectively cleanses the air. You can keep it in a pot on your desk or from hanging baskets.

Good air quality benefits everyone

Whether you choose to plant these species indoors or in your garden, you can benefit from them in a myriad of ways.

Just like your indoor plants, the trees outside your home are also great air purifiers. You can always take good care of them yourself with the right tools and knowhow — or leave them to us at Great Northern ReGreenery. Choose from our extensive list of services to take care of different plant needs — from planting, transfers, aeration, fertilization, and even tree stump grinding. For your tree service needs, call Great Northern ReGreenery’s toll free number 1-877-775-7444 or (905) 775-7444.