Common Tree Diseases and How to Prevent Them

Trees are among the most beautiful aspects of nature on the planet. There are many varieties of trees used in yard landscaping that can boost the value of a property. But without adequate care, certain diseases can attack trees. Unfortunately, these diseases are not always recognized until the signs and symptoms become severe.

Fire Blight

Fire blight is a contagious disease that is caused by a bacterium known as Erwinia amylovora. It commonly prevalent in trees belonging to the Rosaceae family. This type of tree disease is a major problem for apple and pear producers. It affects the tree by targeting blossoms, shoots, fruit, and branches.

Solution: Prune the diseased branches and twigs

Dutch Elm Disease

Tree Stewardship: Managing Dutch Elm Disease

This common tree disease is caused by a fungus known as ophiostoma ulmi. It usually affects the water-conducting system of an elm tree. Dutch Elm disease is contagious and is usually transmitted from an infected tree to healthy ones by an Elm bark beetle. The infected part of the tree usually has symptoms like curling, yellowing, wilting, and shriveling of leaves in one of the branches.

Solution: Remove infected stumps, or treat the area

Tar Spot

Common Tree Diseases and How to Prevent Them

Although it is a less serious type of plant pathogen, tar spots can mar the leaves. This disease is caused by a fungus called Rhytisma acerinum and is common in Sycamore and Maple trees. Its major symptom is yellow blotches on the leaves. If left untreated, the infected leaves will fall prematurely.

Prevention: Rake and burn/dispose of infected fallen leaves immediately to prevent spread of the disease

Armillaria Root Disease

Common Tree Diseases and How to Prevent Them

Also known as “shoestring root rot,” Armillaria is a disease often caused by various fungi of the genus Armillaria. It is considered to be a serious disease because pathogens affect the roots and base of the tree. If this problem is not addressed right away, the disease will spread to different parts of the tree and eventually kill it. Unfortunately, infected trees may or may not show external signs or symptoms. Armillaria root disease can stunt the growth of a tree, damage foliage, and create yellow or brown leaves.

Solution: Remove and destroy the infected parts, and provide moisture through well-drained soil

FYI About Common Tree Diseases

Now that we are familiar with common tree diseases and solutions, we can better protect our trees. A tree service expert can effectively preserve and maintain the health of your trees. Call Great Northern ReGreenery at (905) 775-7444 or email us at for more information.