Arborist Assistance Aids Your Outdoor Oasis

Pruning To Keep Your Tree Healthy One of the most popular services offered by an arborist is tree pruning. This involves cutting back excessive tree growth and removing dead and sickly branches and twigs. It also involves helping a tree maintain a nice shape and appearance. Without

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Tree Stumped? Removal Remedies!

Don’t Wait For Mother Nature to Do It For hundreds of years, a beautiful tree stood in your neighborhood, watching over the residents. After weather and wind recently took out their wrath on it, breaking branches and marring it with a lightning strike, it has never been

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The Dangers of Tree Branches

Everyone knows that pruning is an integral part of tree health, but new gardeners are often not familiar with the appropriate methods and times to do this. Pruning should be a regular part of the tree health and management. While there are certain times to achieve specific

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Environmentally Friendly Pesticides

TreeAzin systemic insecticide is known for its effective control of the Emerald Ash Borer, one of Canada’s most notorious pests. This insecticide also poses minimal environmental damage in comparison to a wide variety of pesticides and control options currently available. This insecticide is derived from neem tree

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5 Steps to Growing a Bonsai Tree

People wandering through the ancient woods in China often found little trees growing naturally and believed they held special magical powers. The Taoists believed that when they used tools and techniques to recreate these miniature trees, they could elicit these same magical powers within their homes. As

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