Warning Signs: When a Tree Is about to Fall

Falling trees and branches can do significant damage. Some homeowners elect to remove a tree entirely, but this is unnecessary if it is generally healthy and balanced. There are warning signs that indicate if a tree is in danger of falling on your property. Signs a tree

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Top Tree Care Tips for Summer

Top Tree Care Tips for Summer

Among summer heat, drought, and pests, it’s possible for trees to wilt during the hottest time of the year. Here are some maintenance tips for the summer months that will improve the health of your trees and prevent stress damage. To keep your trees healthy and strong:

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Nutrition for Trees: What Trees Need to Thrive

Nutrition for Trees: What Trees Need to Thrive

Living things need to eat rich, nutritional food to grow and be healthy. Like humans, trees and plants require essential nutrients to survive and thrive. When a tree has too much or too little nutrition, it grows weak and becomes vulnerable to pests and disease. Trees absorb

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Spring Shrub Care Tips

Spring Shrub Care Tips

Shrubs are small- to medium-sized woody plants. Unlike trees with one main trunk, they have multiple short stems. A shrub can be less than a foot tall or grow up to 15 feet.   Hydrangea is a favorite because of its long-lasting blooms. Lilacs, azaleas, roses, and

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Sustainable Landscaping Trends

Sustainable Landscaping Trends

Climate change and dwindling resources are being addressed by more home gardeners and commercial landscaping companies. Sustainable landscaping utilizes smaller spaces, uses less water, and focuses on “low maintenance” gardening. Knowing how to grow a sustainable garden includes understanding which plants to use. Plants that are native

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Tips for Inspecting Your Tree

Tips for Inspecting Your Tree

Trees in your yard or garden need to be inspected regularly, especially before and after harsh weather conditions, such as a major storm or high winds. Since owners are usually familiar with their trees, they can (to some extent) examine them on their own. Inspection can helps

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