9 Fruit Bearing Trees for Your Home

9 Fruit Bearing Trees for Your Home

The more trees we plant in our backyards or gardens, the more we benefit ourselves and the environment. Fruit trees are incredibly versatile and make great additions to your landscape. Here’s why: Benefits of Fruit-Bearing Trees If you’ve been thinking about adding a tree to your garden,

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Tree Maintenance During Fall

Tree Maintenance During Fall

Fall brings with it the colourful sights, pumpkins latte smells, and cool breeze. The cooler weather may make it more challenging to maintain your garden, but you can always call for tree services from a certified arborist if you want to keep your trees healthy all season.

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Here’s Your Autumn Gardening To-Do List

Here’s Your Autumn Gardening To-Do List

Autumn is just around the corner and you can’t wait to spend more time frolicking outdoors. Besides watching leaves change colours and fall (only for you to pick them up later), autumn is also the best time to tend to your garden before the colder months set

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